
The republia times play
The republia times play

the republia times play the republia times play

The Republia Times was an awards nominee at the Games for Change Festival in both the categories of Best Gameplay and Most Significant Impact. The conflict – and its resolution – is where this game truly distinguishes itself. It is well worth it to play through to the end of the game, even if it takes you several attempts. Sabotaging the government means risking not only your life, but that of your family’s as well.

the republia times play

The more loyal the public, the better your family is treated. Every day within the game, you receive status updates on the condition of your wife and children. Several days into your work at The Republia Times, you are contacted by the rebellion, who wants you to sabotage Republia by turning the public against its government. The Republia Times is not just a propaganda machine as well, and you must balance your political agenda with interesting articles that will secure a large reader base. This is good because there is often a lack of positive stories about the totalitarian government as they crush the rebellion and oppress their citizens.

the republia times play

In managing your newspaper (and public opinion), you must select articles as they come into the newsroom, making sure to pick flattering stories – “The Honorable and Great Leader Awarded Lifetime Glory Medal” – and ignoring unflattering stories – “The Honorable and Great Leader Photographed in Women’s Clothes.” The larger that you make articles on the page, the more loyalty they generate. Republia is run by an Orwellian, totalitarian government, and is “keeping your wife and children in a safe location” until you can increase the loyalty of the public by highlighting good things about the Republian government. The Republia Times puts you into the shoes of the editor-in-chief of the national newspaper of Republia, a fictional country recovering from a war with its neighbor, Antegria.

The republia times play